I hate drawing cars. I really do. They're complicated, and hard to get right from every angle. But, I try not to let my art get in the way of my writing. So, page seven features Mark, Abby and Charlotte on a road trip to Abby's family picnic. There are times I do curse myself for the scenes I write, but I think that's far more preferable to those artists (and they know who they are) who write scenes solely based on what they want to draw.
Fortunately, the car appears in only two more panels past this one. I'm willing to work, but I'm not insane about it.
There are a couple of concepts from this scene that cut for space reasons. Abby and Mark essentially live in Chicago and use mass transit, and Mark obviously flies everywhere. I was thinking that either Mark didn't own a car, or that he's actually a really bad driver, both since he doesn't drive very much. Would you if you could fly?
Also, I'm doing something different with the coloring in this issue. This panel should give you everything you need to figure it out. Hopefully, it's not jarring enough to be immediately noticable, but I think it makes the book look better.