I'm posting two panels today. One is the representative panel from the just-finished page nine. Mark's mocking expression, by the way, is hands-down the hardest expression I've had to capture in a comic. And, it reinforces why I don't let people watch me draw. Staring into the mirror above my drafting table, making that look, trying to hold it and then trying to draw it… well, no one needs to see that.
I also do stuff to crack myself up. I put books I like or books by my friends (usually the same thing) as featured books in Abby's bookstore. Most of these get obscured by dialogue or are just too small to see. Doesn't matter, I still like to do it, and I like knowing they're there. Mark watches "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip." Stuff like that. In that vein, the second panel features my cousin's son Carter, who if we could tap the energy within him, Timberlake wouldn't need First Energy to provide power to the village. His brother, Aidan, makes an uncredited cameo in another panel, too.
My library of backgrounds in the book continues to increase, too. I did a decent sized forest/park background, and you might notice that it appears in both these panels, although flipped and color shifted and so on so it's not horribly noticable.
Hopefully I'll be able to get page ten done later today, too, which should be the end of the family picnic jokes. And only fourteen left after that!