There comes this point where finishing my project teeters on the edge of obsession. Case in point: page 24. I skipped working out today so I could get a little extra time in my day. And when this happens, I swear some of my higher level brain functions shut down. I couldn't cook dinner tonight. Fortunately, I could drive to Arby's.
I just finished. There's some stuff on this page I like a lot, like Abby's sultry look on the panel posted here. It's good to know that tapping into the Speed Force didn't take away my ability to do something nice. Although, it did take a lot of pieces of tracing paper to get the artwork right, both today and yesterday. For a while, I was afraid that I'd left my meager drawing talents at the Hotel Pennsylvania on 34th Street.
Anyway, page 24 is done, done, DONE! I've still got some ads and collateral stuff to do, so it'll still be tight to get everything done for my Friday deadline, but I should be able to hit it.
Thom Zahler is a freakin' drawing machine, baby!