I'm being a little over-achievery today. I don't need to have this done for almost a month, but I have this theory. Actually, I have a theory about darn near everything. This particular theory is that it's better to do the work you want to do when you want to do it. You'll be more inspired and more productive. So, I've had the rough for the cover of Love and Capes #5 on my shower wall for about a week now. It was time to draw it.
This joke has the benefit of being the theme of the fifth issue. At least as planned right now. There is one Easter Egg on the cover, the wine bottle is J. Dub's winery. That's a nod to my friend, and big supporter, Jesse Jackson. Unfortunately, with a name like that, it's hard to work it in without it being misconstrued. Jesse's wife calls him "J-Dub" from time to time, so I added that in.
The other thing I was going to do is make the plane say "Oceanic", the name of the airline from "Lost". Try as I might, though, I couldn't work it in without messing up all the perspective, so I let that one go. That's okay, I'm sure there will be other little jokes inside the book.
Once I start it, of course.