Over forty days ago, I was convinced to give up coffee for Lent. Normally I give up chocolate, but I wanted a new challenge. The sacrifice and penance is part of the Lenten ritual, and I appreciate the self-discipline that goes with it. I think the strength that you learn by such sacrifices can be applied in case where you have to keep yourself motivated, essential when you're self-employed.
So, today I could break that Lenten denial. I got myself to Starbucks after church and had my first cafe mocha since February. Starbucks coffee has a little bit of a burnt taste to it, and not having had any in so long made it a little more noticeable (Caribou Coffee, as was once pointed out to me, is probably better coffee, but there's no Caribou close and besides, my baristas at Starbucks can't be beat.) but it was still, as the Tick once put it, "That sweet elixir of life that men call 'Joe'."
Sunday mornings are probably my favorite part of the week. I have my coffee and turn on the Sunday news shows. Things are quiet, and I can think without constant phone calls or client e-mails. It's when I have my Deep Thoughts, or I tackle those more brain intensive work problems, like websites and programming issues, when I've got the time to think about them.
And then, around noon or so, a little later today because of Easter, I'll be heading over to my Grandma's house and having dinner–because "lunch" doesn't describe it well enough–and spending time with friends and family. Sundays are my recharging day, and when I get centered to take on the rest of the week.
Just thought I'd share, as I'm basking in my first caffeine hit in well over a month. Talk to you soon.