While you're waiting for the big t-shirt announcement, I thought you might like to see a panel from the new page of Love and Capes #5. It's a bit of a benchmark, as page six means that I'm 25% done with the book. (I think it's a statement of my general attitude, too. The optimist says "25% done" and the pessimist says "75% yet to go".) Even with the Secret Society of Super Reviewers looking over pages as they get done, there's still that three month period where I'm laboring in seclusion and that can be difficult. I'm looking forward to everyone seeing this issue when it's done.
Ironically, though, I broke the carafe on my coffee maker as I was working on this page. Not because I was working on the page, just during as I was trying to make some fine Lofsberg Lila coffee to take me through the night and I broke it. And worse yet, After-Prom season is upon me, and I'm definitely going to need some.
Ah, the trials of being a cartoonist.
Just a reminder, too, that the Saturn Awards are tonight, where they'll be giving out copies of Love and Capes. I've asked my contact there to see if he can get me a picture of the gift bags, preferably with Tricia Helfer in the shot, so if I get some photos, I'll post them here.