My friend Mike Horkan surprised me with some pictures this week. I don't know much about video games. Tetris was probably the last one I played regularly. But Mike's big into them, and recently got Forza Motorsports 2 for the XBox 360. You can customize the cars in the game, but you can't import graphics. Everything's done with a series of pre-designed images and polygons. Mike was surprised by this because he'd seen some really creative and detailed paint jobs for the cars online. Mike became intrigued with overcoming the limitations of the graphics editor and the idea of "wouldn't it be cool if Thom had pictures of a Raider-themed race car."
I was blown away with what Mike did. He placed the decals on a Mitsubishi Eclipse, given that I drive one myself. (They didn't have a Spyder, though.) It looked great, and I sent Mike a response about how, if I got a car painted like that, I could write it off. And then I mused about putting the decals on a Pontiac Solstice which is currently one of my favorite cars on the road. The next day, some new pictures showed up, too.
I think they look great and wanted to share. Who knows, maybe my next car will look like this? (Click on any image to see a bigger version.)