I can't talk too much about this one, but I'm kind of jazzed about it. Raider is going to appear on a mass-marketed helmet. (What kind of helmet? Why a helmet? All will be revealed in time.) I got to go through previous issues of Raider and grab panels to create a collage, kind of a wrapping paper, really, that will be used for said helmet. The process, as my addled brain understands it, is similar to shrink wrapping. I design the flat sheet, and then it will be melted onto the helmet itself.
So, click on the thumbnail and see the black and white artwork for the helmet. Once the client approves it, I'll color it and apply a halftone filter to it so it looks like a big comic book page. Which, I guess, it is.
Going through the art kind of makes me want to get back to Raider, but with Love and Capes doing so well, as well as the rest of my freelance work, it'll be a little while. Unless, of course, some publisher backs a truck full of money up to my front door. I'm not made of stone, you know.
In other Raider news, I am officially sold out of Raider #1! It only took five years, but better late than never, right?