With a little over a week before the huge San Diego Hollywood Shillorama and Comic Convention, I thought I'd take a moment to describe the funness that will be happening at the Maerkle Press booth.
First off, we're at Booth #2000 at Hall C in the Independent Publishers Pavillion. I'll be sharing my booth with my fellow co-conspirator Paul Merolle and Toon Tumblers. I can't recommend Paul's glasses highly enough. They're almost all I drink out of. (In fact, I'm currently enjoying a Diet Lemon Snapple out of a Colossus glass.) Paul will have some new glasses there, all of which were designed by me. Please, buy them and help subsidize my salary.
So what will I have at the booth?
The Love and Capes buttons are back! There'll be a limited number of the previous "pink" Love and Capes button design, and the new "blue" design, too.
And, there's a new set of Love and Capes bookmarks, each featuring a four panel sequence from some of your favorite moments from Love and Capes #2-3. Thanks to the kind people at Wizard Graphics, Inc. who supplied these for me.
There will be an extremely limited number of Love and Capes Glasses available, thanks to the aforementioned Toon Tumblers. I don't have the exact pricing, but they should be between $10-12 each.
And, as mentioned so many other places, I'll have the Love and Capes T-shirts. The red shirts are available for a donation, any donation, to The Hero Initiative. And I'll have the standard black ones available for $20.
Depending on shipping schedules, too, there might, just might, be the fifth issue in a certain heroically super situation comedy there as well.
The deadline for the "Who Wants to Create a Superhero" contest is coming to a close soon, but you'll still be able to get entry forms and enter at the show.
I'll also be raffling off an appearance in Love and Capes #6. Just sign up at the booth
And Everything Else
The complete run of Love and Capes will be available for purchase. I'll have a limited number of Raider: A Cold Day in Heaven and Raider: Dead Men's Tales.
Whew! That's enough, isn't it?