I appreciate cool.
I don't mean gotta have it cool, like the much-beloved iPhone, or slick cool like George Clooney. Just the whole that's just visual or neat or somehow, well, cool vibe. Like this pictured here. It's my brother Mike's car. And, you may notice, it's now an Autobot.
It's temporary, don't worry. At some point I'm sure Mike would like to have a girl in that car. It's some sort of car-art-paint that washes off with soap and water. But I have to say, it's cool.
I love that my family gets cool, too. After fixing my garage door, my Dad went to his house, and Mike asked if he could paint the Autobot logo on his Grand Am. Dad didn't say "Aren't you in your late twenties" or "that's stupid" or "I have better things to do with my time." He said, "That's cool" and then he did it. My family can appreciate a powerful squirt gun or a neat looking car design or some great looking art (wonder why that appeals to me so much). That's one of the things I love about them.
They're cool.