Once Again on the Merry-go-round
I'm back on the horse, metaphorically speaking.
I started Love and Capes #6 last night, and finished the first page early this afternoon. It's a splash page of Abby holding Amazonia's new book. Since I generally don't publish complete pages, I won't show you the whole image, but I can show the cover for Zoe's book. I had to design it as a separate image since it'll be appearing constantly throughout the issue.
In the Love and Capes world, Amazonia is kind of like Oprah if she looked like Heidi Klum and fought crime. She's not just a superhero, but a cultural icon and author. The main thrust of issue six will be Amazonia's book signing tour coming through Abby's store. It'll also be the impetus for some flashbacks to the Crusader and Amazonia''s past relationship. I think it's going to be the toughest issue to write so far, but I think it's going to have the best payoff, too.