Our Mayor, John Roskos, is currently on vacation. I'm Council President which makes me the equivalent of Will Riker without the beard and inability to stave of a Ferengi attack. I'm the second in command.
Now, normally I'd crack a bunch of jokes about my secret service detail and how I wish that the Village Hall had longer corridors so I could do that West Wing walk-and-talk. And, if you catch me in person, I'll probably tell you some. But really, I'm taking it seriously.
I don't think anything will happen during my brief stint at the helm of the Village. I doubt Canada will invade or the Mole Man will burst through our sewers or anything huge. But still, there's the little extra bit of weight to knowing that I'm occupying the center seat.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to rename my street to Thom Zahler Lane.