Page nineteen is done! Five to go!
In this page, Mark confronts Zoe about her book and portrayal of him. It's not as confrontational as I'd originally intended, and certainly not as much as this panel may indicate. But it is the first real indication of The Second Shoe that's going to drop. It's also Amazonia's last appearance in this issue.
When I first created Amazonia, I never thought she would be as popular as she became. She wasn't even supposed to be in the second issue at all, but as I was working on it I started receiving reaction about her and knew I had to give her a scene. There's a temptation to use her too much, but much like Worf in the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation she works better in small doses. But issue #6 is the most she's appeared in one story.
Heck, she may have more screen time than Mark or Abby in this one.
Hopefully, the character becomes a little more well rounded (metaphorically, as physically it'd be hard to add any more curves) without losing her edge in this story.