The obsession's getting worse, given that I've had my first double day, where I did two pages of Love and Capes. I had the advantage of a full Sunday to work, a fairly simple page where I'd already designed most of the backgrounds, and an Indians game to watch. Well, the Indians game wasn't so much an advantage after the fifth inning.
This page was oddly painful to write. Here, we see how Zoe and Mark end their relationship. Over the years, I've broken up with a few people, and been broken up with a couple more times than that. I had to call on a lot of those experiences to write the super break-up, which wasn't particularly pleasant. And I like both characters, so making Mark say those things, and having Zoe hear them wasn't all that fun either.
But, I think the page works. And, I'm pleased that each end panel (four and eight) does end with a joke. Not one that takes the edge off the scene, but given that there are a lot of "serious" beats near the end of the book, I'm glad that I could keep some smiles in this section.
And, here's a little bit of trivia: In issue #4, I did a "How a page comes together." In that, you can see that I've drawn a lamp, based on an IKEA lamp that I saw once. It was supposed to go in Mark's apartment, but it didn't work. That lamp appears in Zoe's penthouse in the left hand corner. Nothing's ever wasted here in the Love and Capes universe.