Here's the first page since my writer's block, which is probably more accurately described as "writer's drought."
I almost cut this scene out completely, but realized it served a function so it put back in. I wanted to show Amazonia actually doing the signing, and that merged well with my idea to have Amazonia try to win Charlotte over. Or maybe she's just being nice. You can never tell with Zoe.
I also felt inspired to put another TV show duo in the background. Often I need to have a character or two in the background, just to fill. Rather than design a completely new character, I'll base them on someone I know, or someone on TV. It keeps me from defaulting to a generic character who looks like the same generic character that appeared somewhere else. It's a shorthand, but it's also kind of fun.
So, for some reason, Martha Jones and the Doctor, from Doctor Who have crosssed the pond, and the space-time continuum, to get their book signed by Amazonia. Or maybe there's some other reason they're in Deco City. You never know with those two.