I'm at Mid-Ohio-Con, even as you read this. This post is being made by the Thom-o-Tron 3000, a super-intellegent artifical intellegence that simulates all the wit and style of the actual Thom Zahler. Or, I just timed this post to appear on Saturday. I don't like flooding the zone with my posts, and especially with the Con Quiet coming up, thought this would break up the monotony.
Of course, I'll blog during the show if I can, but no promises.
Anyway, over on his truly-excellent blog, Mark Evanier has announced that he's done a new Crossfire story. I knew this months ago, of course, mostly because Mark was kind (or desperate) enough to ask me to letter it. It was cool getting to work with Mark for the first time. He's a good guy and a better friend. The story came out darn fine, and you can read more about it here.