This was my Sunday Mid-Ohio-Con sample. I've always liked Susan Storm Richards, the Invisible Woman. In recent memory she was always handled best the late, great Mike Wieringo. Her could make her look sexy and still a little older and matronly and mix those things all together into a great drawing. Man, I still miss Mike.
When I do these pieces, I do an 8.5x11 black and white image on bristol (suitable for purchase, hint hint) and then color them on the computer later. A lot of times I leave things open and figure out how to color it later. That's part of the fun, and gives me the opportunity to try new techniques.
This is one of the few that I knew how I wanted to color it when I started. I knew it'd be softer and more airbrushed, but that the invisible effect would be a halftone screen. I think it came out pretty sweet.