Here's a panel from page two. While I think this scene is funny, I have to say it was a royal pain to draw. Four characters in multiple panels is a bit of a grind, worsened by Blurstreak's superspeed leaving a bunch of ghost images behind.
The guys at Comic Pants did a really interesting podcast on diversity in comics. I've tried to keep my cast in Love and Capes and Raider as diverse as I can without making it forced. I'd already planned on introducing Microdot in this sequence, and always intended for her to be a female, since I figure her secret identity's first name is Dorothy. Hence the dot. But, upon listening to the podcast, I realized that I hadn't had any Asian characters appear in the book. There was no reason for Microdot not to be Asian, so I went ahead and did that.
I don't know if anyone will notice. Actually, I hope no one will, since I'm not trying to make an overt statement. Aside from here, I suppose. But I thought I'd share with you, so you've got a glimpse into why I make some of the decisions that I do.