I am back from my Vegas New Year's Vacation. It was a fine time, although the blackjack tables hated me with a vengance. It was the first time it wasn't fun. I can usually put down some money and play for a couple hours and not be completely out, and often be up a bit. Here, it was like putting money in a paper shredder.
I'm not saying I won't go back. Heck, when I got home, there was an offer from the Harrah's casino properties offering me some free nights, which was pretty cool. But, I've got other fish to fry first, including Love and Capes #7.
Since it's the New Year, it's time for resolutions. Yes, I make them, and I probably run about 50/50 in keeping them. Some are the annual food related ones, but I'm going to wait until Monday to start those. Nothing about Vegas is conducive to healthy eating. I keep my resolutions fairly small and to myself, but if you're a fellow resolution-maker, I say soldier on, my brother (or sister).
As far as a year in review, I had some big goodness happen. In no particular order, I became Council President here in the Village of Timberlake. I saw my first published short story, in Bob Ingersoll and my Will Riker story in Star Trek TNG: The Sky's the Limit. I published four issues of Love and Capes to great critical fanfare, including the Free Comic Book Day issue which was so much fun that I'm doing #7 as another FCBD book. Love and Capes also generated excitement, causing me to have my first (and second, and third...) Hollywood meetings. The Writers Strike has paused a lot of that progress, but I can't complain too much as now I'm in the game. And there's one Big Announcement that will be coming later this summer, but I can't say anything about that yet.
I got some Love and Capes glasses and t-shirts done, which was way cool. And I started doing convention sketches, which has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. So, it's been a great career year, and hopefully that upward slope will increase.
Speaking of those commissions, I got a scan of a Supergirl piece I did at Mid-Ohio-Con from its owner, and I've now been able to color it and I can post it here. She's wearing her current outfit, which I refer to as Strippergirl. Yeah, it's sexy, but a little too so for the Maid of Might. At least for my tastes. The client dug it, and the drawing turned out great, so I can't complain too much.
All right, I just wanted to clear my head here. Sorry it's so disjointed, and I'm sure my next post will be more cogent. Hope your Old Year was good, and that your New Year only gets better.