I'm enjoying a Mocha of Victory right now, as I've just finished page 24. I'd show it to you, but unfortunately my camera was lost in the Mid-Ohio-Con of Lost Lunchboxes. Trust me, it's here, and it's delicious.
So, here's the last redacted panel, showing Mark changing back to the Crusader. It also shows one of the cheats of the series. When I started out, I wanted to work in a new style, something very cartoony and graphic, like those E-insurance commercials. While I eventually settled on something a little more naturalistic, there are still holdovers from the grand experiment in the character designs. Case in point: The Crusader's costume. His cape has attaches at his chest emblem, but it does so in an impossible way. The cape has mass, let seems to fold under a logo with no mass.
If someone ever made a live action Love and Capes, the emblem would have to be raised from the uniform, a la the Superman Returns s-shield.
Okay, it's probably little to you, but it's always jumped out at me.
With this, the content of the book is pretty well done. I've got to design the biography and some of the extra back content. And I've got to do a the alternate LNC#7 retail cover. And there's one other thing but, much like the dialogue in this panel, I can't reveal that. Yet.