Another day, another page.
This page has an Abby/Charlotte phone scene. I tried to show Charlotte actually doing some homework here just to remind people she's in school.
I started thinking about the breakdown of this page compared to other issues. This is the latest that Mark or the Crusader has appeared, with him arriving in the last panel of page four. In previous issues, FCBD specifically, Crusader appeared on the first page of issue #7, and while Mark appeared on page one of issue #4 he didn't appear in costume until page four. I figure that was okay since the Arachnerd appeared on the first page.
It's just something I try to keep in mind for the FCBD issue, since I want this to serve as a vehicle for new readers. Despite Mark's delay in arriving in this new one, Doc Karma appears on page two, so there's a lot of superheroing that appears. I want people to know that it's not just a romantic comedy, that it's a superhero romantic comedy.
Urm, heroically super romantic comedy. Don't want to get sued, you know.