One of the books that helped me become a small publisher myself was a book I stumbled upon at a San Diego Comic-Con years ago. It was Astounding Space Thrills. It was a cool little black and white book with an awesome cover and an infectious sense of fun. I mean, Little Green Men who are photosynthetic? Brilliant! It also had one of the coolest designs for a t-shirt, and one that I would have bought even if I hadn't liked the book (and was the inspiration for the marketing plan behind the Raider t-shirts).
Best yet, the writer and artist of the book was a great guy. Steve Conley has gone on to become a friend of mine. He's so damnably likeable. This must be how people feel about me. Or so I'm told. Or maybe so I hope. Either way.
Now, IDW, publisher of a certain other collection of a small press book (you know which one I mean) has collected all of AST, it's miniseries and its online strip, into one convenient and great-looking trade. It's coolness collected between a cardstock cover, and I highly recommend that you pick it up.
Get it at Amazon here. And, use that link, and I even get a little bit of a kickback.