Things get a little more serious as we get to page 21. I think this one's got some drama to it, and I like the way this panel conveys the urgency and power of the scene.
I had a bit of artist's/writer's block on this one. My panel six was kind of weak and I didn't have a great half-page joke to it. I tried all my typical things, finally taking a drive and going to Starbucks to try to dislodge the brain block. It worked, too.
After this page, everything's pretty tightly written and thumbnailed (well, thumbnailed in my head and occasionally on my shower wall in bath crayon) so there shouldn't be any more pauses, at least for creativity's sake. And now, I'm just at the point where I want it done and out of my head. It's great to have that drive to finish, but it can also be a little irritating.