I think this marks the first gunfire in Love and Capes. There's a weapon fired in #9, but you haven't seen that yet. (It should be soon, I think they're done printing it, so it'll be in stores soon.) But that's more a sci-fi thing.
I've always wondered why people shoot at Superman. I mean, you have to know he's invulnerable, right? Maybe it's just tradition. Afriend told me the next scene should be someone throwing the empty gun at Abby, too, in full Adventures of Superman tradition.
I made sure to draw all the bullets bouncing downward, and Mark catching the one stray. There's no crowd behind him, but still, you can't have stray bullets flying around a city. Mark's nothing if not responsible.
I'm down to ten pages now. It'll be a couple of days before I can get to the next one and down into single digits. Still, this one is going pretty quickly, and that's a good thing.