I'd love to type "Eight more pages! Two-thirds done!" But I don't think I can.
I did my Post-It Note breakdown of the last pages, and while I could end it in 24 pages, I think the story calls for 26. Fortunately, this is the FCBD issue, which has 32 pages in it, as opposed to the 24 that a regular issue has. So I can add the two pages without messing up my printing or pricing.
And the last page will be a full page splash but, still, man, I was down to single-digits for a bit there. Now I have to get cracking on it again to winnow down to those one-digit numbers. Okay, really, I just need to do a page tomorrow and I'm back below ten. But still, it's a little deflating.
But, the story is the story, right? And you tell the story the way it demands.