Riddle me this, Batman: How do you do a con print featuring a city when everything memorable about that city is protected by copyright and battalions of lawyers?
Like this:
February is MegaCon and that means a trip to Orlando for me. Yeah, I know you're not sympathetic. But on a day where my flight to LA got out and out cancelled thanks to snow in Chicago, let me assure you that it's not as glamorous as it looks. (I typed this Thursday night. By the time you read this, I'll hopefully be on my way to LA.) That also means the start of the con seasons.
I started these con prints in June at HeroesCon, so I figure that'll be a cycle. Which means Orlando, Anaheim, Seattle, Chicago and Houston are yet to go.
Now, where some artists say "Oh, no, not a crowd scene!" I see an opportunity. So I'm going to sell spaces in line for this print. That's right, for $50 per person, you can be waiting in line with Mark, Abby and whoever else I draw in to fill the spaces. For that, you'll get an exclusive signed and numbered print (a $25 value right there). You can pick it up in Orlando, or I'll mail it out.
I figure I can fit about 15 people on it, and that means that if it sells out, I'll have only ten of them in Orlando, which will make them all the more exclusive.
And, one randomly selected participant will also get the original art!
The button to sign up is below.
While I'm on the subject… WonderCon. The show's traditionally in the target-rich landmark environment of San Francisco. This year it's in Anaheim, mostly known for a theme park of its own. So, I put it to you… If I can get fivepeople committing to be on that print, I'll do a sister print. If not, I'll do San Francisco, as if Mark accidentally went to the wrong city.
The choice is in your hands!