I've always been impressed with how the My Little Pony cosplayers manage to graft the design of the ponies to different kinds of costumes. Here, I was hired by a Soarin cosplayer to do a commission of the person and the pony. This was a ton of fun. I tried to grab the confidence in both characters as well as match the colors without duplicating them, just so there was a little visual difference between the two.
This is another fine example of someone preordering a commission, too. This will be picked up at C2E2. And yes, I still have space on my list for that show.
Also, this is a fine time to announce to all the Bronies and Pegasisters that I will be at C2E2, but I am not grouped with the Pony Artists. Amy Mebberson, Tony Fleecs, Andy Price and Katie Cook will all be in the L section. I will be at E11. (I figure I'm most identified with Love and Capes, not My Little Pony, hence the distance.) But I will have original art, commissions and all that coolness. Just six rows away.