You'll notice that things look a little different around here. I've redone the website, hopefully to make it easier to update and modify it. I've been using my blog as my main content engine for the last few years anyway, so now I'm almost completely a WordPress site. This will allow me to keep the portfolio much more up to date. I'm also working on new image gallery features to better show off the things I see on my travels. And, if I'm doing this right, the main header will change every month, too.
I have to say thanks to three people for this site. Andy Ihnatko, on whose excellent podcast The Ihnatko Almanac I first heard of ThemeForest. Second, obviously, ThemeForest, from whom I bought this theme that I've tricked out and made a lot more personal. And lastly, the great people at Soft Web Media, who were insanely responsive to my incessant questions and helped me make this thing do things it shouldn't oughtta do.