My new romantic comedy comic Long Distance will be in stores soon, and it's in Previews now. Pre-ordering is essential for the success of books like these, and while I'm sure you can navigate the Diamond system just fine, I'm trying to make it a little easier for everyone. There are two covers for the book, so two order codes. The one by me is APR150443 and the one by Lora Innes is APR150444.
But I'm not going to stop there. I've made a handy printable graphic for you to give your comic shop owner, so that they can place the order for you.
And because I'm still not done, I've even made an iPhone sized one that you can just show to your retailer to order it and save a tree!
I'm excited about this new series and I hope you are, too. The first issue comes out in June, but please pre-order it now.