I've been remiss about not taking about my first time attending Planet Comicon. Some of that was general busyness, but I was also fighting the tail end of a battle with the Vulcan Death Cold. So some of it is a blur.
The trip started off on a hiccup: Chicago was fogged in and all the flights through there, including mine, were cancelled. Southwest managed to fly me out through Baltimore (yes, the wrong way for those of you geographists) and I had a chunk of time to kill at the airport. But, on the upside, I got a similarly sized chunk of writing done on A New Project I Can't Talk About Yet.
Friday the show started and it was great. Sales were solid, fans were fantastic (including a chunk of Warning Label fans, which is still new to me) and I even got to appear on TV on the local NBC and Fox affiliates to help promote the show. Yeah, it meant getting up early, but we make these sacrifices for our art.
Sunday, I did a Girl Scout panel where a bunch of artists came in and taught cartooning. Weirdly, this is my second time doing that in the last three months. It's apparently a niche. But better yet, they gave us Girl Scout Cookies as compensation. I went Thin Mints, because I'm a classic kind of guy.
Also, Sunday night, Emily and I went to the Pawn and Pint, a local gaming bar, where she mopped the floor with me in Carcassonne and then we went to see Black Panther at the Alamo Drafthouse. I've only been to an Alamo once before and it was just as fun as I remembered. We were treated to a history of Black Panther as well as a montage of Angela Bassett being awesome in Strange Days before Chadwick Boseman ordered us to turn off our phones. And then we watched the movie while drinking alcoholic milkshakes. Oh, yeah, and we totally got those Francesco Francavilla glasses, too!
In general, I loved that Power and Light District. I saw a little bit of it when I was out for Canterlot KC, but I didn't get to spend time there. It reminded me of a landlocked version of Cleveland's Flats from back in the day.
Kansas City was a great time and a great show. I hope I get the chance to go back sometime. But preferably not sick.