Yeah, I've been away for a bit. Work got the better of me. A week of sixteen hour days later, though, I think I'm back on my game.
The big thing that kept me away was finishing up a children's book assignment for a place called Rourke Publishing. I was contracted to do to books in an occupational series, one about being a NASCAR Crew Chief, and one about being an Animal Trainer. The work was pretty intensive, with me doing pencils, inks and colors. I had to dust off my Raider style, a slightly more traditional comic book style, for the series.
I think the books came out well, and I'll let you know when they go on sale. The people at Rourke were great to work with and I hope to do more with them soon.
And hey, now I'm officially a children's book illustrator. I have to say, that's pretty cool.
(Oh, and click on any image to embiggen it.)