I don't know why I didn't think of doing a Stargirl piece before, but when someone commissioned me for a sketch at HeroesCon, man did I take to it. My booth neighbor, Rich, was pretty impressed with it, validating my opinion. There's something about the pose and attitude that comes through so nicely. And, this is another one that I ran through my iPhone pic/blueline print process.
One of these days I'll figure out why these pages always take until 11:30, no matter when I get them started. Hmm, maybe if I were smart, I'd start at 11:00 and then each page would only take half an hour.
Here's a scene from the next page. Dialogue's been stripped out to keep the scene secret like. Still, it's a funny enough visual, I think you all will appreciate it.
Cat Scratch Fever
Here's one of the sketches I did at HeroesCon. I grabbed a snap of it on my now-sadly-outddated iPhone. I messed with the levels in Photoshop and converted it to a blueline so I could reprint it on bristol and ink it again. It's a nice way to save sketches when you can't get a scan per se. And then I have another original to sell, too. How cool is that?
This one is of the Black Cat, created by Marv Wolfman for the Spider-Man books. She hasn't made an appearance in Powerful Women yet (unlike Poison Ivy, who seems to command at least a page a volume), so it's always good to see someone new in those pages.
Love and Capes Loves Ladies!
I've been reading the silly "guys only" contest stuff at San Diego, and the Jake Gyllenhaal abs comments and all, and I've had enough. So, first 75 ladies who come up to my table at Heroes Con this weekend get a free randomly selected copy of Love and Capes. One per customer per weekend is all I ask. I'll be at booth SP-638 in small press.
Hmmm, I'm usually not that pithy. Still, I think it's pretty self-explanatory. I've got a box with issues 1-9 of Love and Capes. Come up, be a woman, get a book.
What the Heck is a Doosix Machine?
With the giant anvil of work that's been whacking me around, Love and Capes #11 has been getting pushed around a bit. Hopefully, now that page 18 is done, the remaining six will just zip out of my brush.
This page is one of those "do your work right and everything will work out fine later" pages. This page, and the next couple following, are set in the ambrosia cellar (think wine cellar with, you know, ambrosia) of the Castle Leandia. So I had to design a room that looked like a wine cellar without really stopping to point out that's what it was, and still have that Flash Gordon future feel that everything else in Amazonia's world has.
But, since I did my work and created a workable wine cellar "set" with the next couple of pages in mind, I should be able to reuse without too much of an effort. Stuff like that is how I manage to churn these books out, I guess.
Party Down
Another page down, this one involving a party scene in Amazonia's home dimension of Leandia. It's been a lot of fun designing the background characters. I'm essentially dressing them as extras from the 1980s magnum opus Flash Gordon with Sam Jones and Max Von Sydow. I'm also trying to use slightly different hair and eye colors for them to show their otherworldliness. Zoe's actually got dark blue hair and exotic teal eyes, so I'm caryying it through with all the "extras".
Only seven pages left. Things will slow down a bit, as I'm still flush (and by "flush" I mean "whacked") with work right now. Still, another week or two and I should have it wrapped up.
Zuda Zuda Zuda
I've been working with Bill Williams of Lone Star Press for years now. So, one day, he comes to me and says "You want to pitch something for Zudacomics?"
For those of you not in the know, Zudacomics is DC Comics' online webstrip portal. They run a competition, kind of like American Idol without the cloying backstories and makeovers. Every month, it's a new competition. And this month, Bill and I are competing.
So, click to read The Urban Adventures of Melvin Blank. Bill wrote it, and I drew it. Here's the official description:
Melvin Blank has the mind of a child and the strength of a brute. After the passing of his parents, he lives in his Mother’s house in the heart of a big decaying city. He works as a dishwasher at a nearby greasy spoon and he has his urban adventures as he travels to and from work. Melvin thinks its hilarious that the mass transit system he rides, the City Area Rapid Transit System, is called "the CART", but he doesn't understand why a nearby diner is called "Joe Mama's". In a world of grays, Melvin sees things in black and white. Good and bad. Day and night. Cereal and pizza.
Melvin is pretty sure that the house down the street is haunted, but don't worry, he plans to do something about it. He is in love with a beautiful co-worker who has an abusive boyfriend, for now. He is selling items from his parent’s estate to pay for an elaborate headstone for the pair. At home, he has an angry cat named SOCKS and he never, ever misses SPACE PATROL RANGER. Melvin is absolutely sure that he is living the American Dream and he wants to share it with the rest of the people in his neighborhood whether they like it or not.
The first story is a complete eight screen story. It has a beginning, middle, and an end. Melvin is like that, he likes things simple.
We've created the strip. That was the easy part. Now we have to rock the vote. Well, you have to rock the vote. You can only vote once per person, so despite having a long line of dead Irish relatives, I've used up my one. It's your turn. Vote for us! We promise a webstrip in every pot! Two webstrips in every garage.
But please, check it out and vote!
Love and Capes #11 in Previews! For Reals!
This is one of those Pages That Will Not Die. I started it sometime on Saturday, and had just the coloring/scripting to do on Sunday. Normally, I can get that done on a Sunday morning as I watch the news shows. This one took all day. And worse yet, I found myself with two great bits for panel two. One of them is funny and family friendly, the other one is funny and family safe.
I posted that strip and the variants up on Twitter. See, it's why you should be following me there.
I've now got two-thirds of the book done now. Almost there.
Pulse Pounding Love and Capes Action!
Another day, another page. And a page with a shout-out to both Mental Floss and Mid-Ohio-Con.
This is actually a silent panel in the story, so there was no copy to remove. I really dig these quiet moments in the book when I can work them in. And I think there's some really nice body language happening in there, too.
I'm finally on the back nine of pages. I'd like to knock another page out today, but that won't happen, largely due to my lack of knowing exactly what happens. Plus, I've got other clienty work that must be done.