It's been a long haul with over 100 guests attending (and, by extension, 100 caricatures to do) but I finished the cover for Love and Capes #12. There will be two versions, the "Love" verson (featuring Mark and all other superheroes in civilian garb) and the "Capes" edition (featuring Mark as the Crusader, and superheroes in the congregation). They'll be a 50/50 split, but if you're an attendee, don't worry. You'll get the one with you on it. And I'll be e-mailing you soon about it.
The full cover images will be released sometime during Comic-Con next week. Hey, everybody else is making announcements, why can't I? But for now, enjoy the little thumbnails I've shown above.
All in all, the wedding cover promotion worked better than I could have hoped, and I think it's a really strong image. Thanks to everyone who participated!