I'll be at HeroesCon in a couple of weeks, and I try to participate in the art auction each year. I really liked the way my Doctors Who piececame out, and dug that longer format. I've also been reading the Lou Schimer Filmation book, so the World's Mightiest Mortal has been on my brain. I thought it'd be fun to do a long vertical piece of the Shazam Family flying.
All the Family. So that meant the Lieutenants Marvel, Hoppy the Marvel Bunny and Uncle Dudley. And for good measure, you can see the wizard Shazam in the background, too.
[image src="http://thomz.com/blogall/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/marvelfamilyWIP.jpg" align="left" border="image_border" link="http://thomz.com/blogall/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/marvelfamilyWIP.jpg" alt="" title="" lightbox="false" width-"200 px" ]
It's my hope that one of these days, DC will give the Marvel Family the same digital treatment they have for Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman. I think Shazam has a lot of room for interpretation, and taking them outside the DC mainstream may be the best place for these characters of different world and sensibilities. I mean, there's a walking, talking tiger and people just accept it.
And yeah, I'd hope I got to work on it, too.
[image src="http://thomz.com/blogall/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/marvelfamily_heroesPRE.jpg" align="left" border="image_border" link="http://thomz.com/blogall/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/marvelfamily_heroesPRE.jpg" alt="" title="" lightbox="false" width-"200px" ]
Anyway, to do this piece, I sketched out all the characters on tracing paper. I tried to give them unique poses, even though they're all doing basically the same thing. I stuck with the DC 70's versions of the characters, except I gave Mary the same swashbuckler boots everyone else has instead of the slippers she wore for a while.
And, as much as I like the idea, I did away with the jacket flap on Captain Marvel's uniform. I know it was from the original and I am kind of a fan of it but there's something about the simpler design that works better for me.
The original piece is 24" high on bristol, and the black and white, as well as a color giclee print, will be donated to the auction at HeroesCon. I might have a couple extra copies of the print at my table, too.