My Little Pony art: Fluttershy
Three days until my My Little Pony issue comes out, and today's Pony piece is Fluttershy. Unfortunately, she doesn't appear in my story, but she's ny favorite's favorite, so it wasn't going to be long before I drew her.
I should be doing at least a couple more before New Comics Wednesday, and all these originals will be for sale at Emerald City Comicon in two short weeks, Table B-06.
Digital pencils, transferred to board by lightbox, and colored with Copic markers.
My Little Pony Art: Dr. Whooves and Derpy
This Wednesday, my issue ofthe My Little Pony micro-series… issue #1, in fact… comes out to comic shops in the U.S. (Sorry you have to wait, United Kingdom!) In that spirit, I'm switiching from drawing Couples Commissions to My Little Pony characters, First up, Doctor Whooves, with new his companion Derpy Hooves. Whooves? Hooves? It's like it's meant to be.
More stuff will be appearing all week.
Couples Commission: Mulder and Scully
Here's the last couples commission for a while, Mulder and Scully from X-Files. After this, I'm switching over to drawing some My Little Pony stuff so I've got both sides of my work represented.
This original is drawn with pencil and tracing paper, inked with brush and computer colored.
Oh, and don't forget… THE LOVE AND CAPES VALENTINES DAY SALE IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW!There are ways for you to win prizes, too.
It's Valentine's Day! Win Love and Capes prizes!
It's Valentine's Day, and Comixology is running a sale on the digital versions of the entire Love and Capes catalog. If my math is right, you can get 24 (25 if you count the double-sized wedding issue as two) issues of my favorite superhero romantic comedy for $25.00! That's crazy.
To help promote this, I'm running a contest on Twitter and Facebook. Here's how it works:
On Twitter: Tweet (or retweet) this link to the Comixology page, with the hashtag #lncsale and just like that, you're entered. You don't even have to buy them, though I would appreciate it if you would.
May I suggest:
Valentine Sale! The entire Love & Capes catalog is on sale @comixology today only! #lncsale RT to win a t-shirt & art!
But anything with the link and the hashtag will be entered.
On Facebook: Like the Love and Capes page and like and/or share the link to the Comixology sale.
I'll pick one random winner from each service. You'll win:
- One of the new Love and Capes t-shirts. If you already ordered one, your money will be refunded.
- An original 9x12 one-character commission of your choice.
I'm blessed with some of the best fans in comics. Thanks for supporting the book, and I hope you have a great Valentine's Day.
Couples Commission: Cyclops and Phoenix
Today's couple commission is Cyclops and Phoenix (light version). Cyclops is my favorite X-Man, and I was always disappointed that when I started reading the book he got married and left. That didn't work out well for him, unfortunately.
X-Men benefits from a solid core character and Cyke was certainly that. I also think, for as little as he was on camera in the X-Men movies, James Marsden was fantastic. You try acting with your eyes and eyebrows covered. And "If I had to tell you that, she wouldn't be my girl" is still one of my favorite lines in that movie.
I'm sure I've gone on about how much I love Phoenix in other posts. It was fun to draw them together and actually happy. The mirrored "hands to the temple" thing cracks me up, too.
Couples Commission: Batman and Talia
Okay, you can keep your Batman/Catwoman relationships. For me, it was Batman/Talia. She was capable of standing up to Batman. She had her own goals, own desires, and was almost as smart as him. Sure, she had the terrifying father figure, but it was always cool how they all respected each other. I loved Ra's al Ghul calling Batman "Detective." And Batman always asked Talia to reject her father, but never held her choice against her.
For me, the best story is Mike W. Barr's Son of the Demon. I think the story still holds up. Batman and Talia actually get married, and I think it's the basis for Bruce's son, Damian Wayne. I think. DC's continuity is so dicey these days, I can't tell anymore.
Couples Commission: Flash and Dale (and Aura)
Not DC or Marvel this time (though I think they've been published by both) it's Flash Gorden and Dale Arden… and Princess Aura.
I know it's not a great film, but I really love the 1980 Flash Gordon, complete with Queen soundtrack. There's a lot of earnest goofyness to it, and I still quote chunks of it. "Hah! Tricked ya, Barin!" And, of course, anything Brian Blessed says.
The designs here are largely based on the Filmation series, which was also pretty good… until they added that pink dragon character, but that's a story for another time.
This time out, I did digital roughs, a tight pencil pass, transferred via lightbox to bristol and Copic marker color. I did the lightbox to make sure I could erase everything that wasn't ink, and nothing would be reactivated by the alcohol markers.
Couples Commission: Dr. Strange and Clea
Switching from DC to Marvel couples, here's one of Dr. Strange and Clea. Both of them have costumes that are just way too much fun to draw.
The original rough was done digitally, printed as a blueline on Canson bristol paper, inked by brush, and then colored on computer. I wanted to take the color digital so that I could play around with the embroidery on the good doctor's cape, and those cool Ditko circles on Clea's arms and legs.
Couples Commission: Hawkman and Hawkwoman
I'm continuing on with making the couples commissions, at least until Valentine's Day. Then I might switch to something more of, well, a pony nature. That way I'll be well stocked up for Emerald City and beyond.
Today's subject is Hawkman and Hawkwoman. I always liked them as a couple, especially when my friend Tony Isabella was writing them. (If you haven't checked out Shadow War of the Hawkman, especially the miniseries, go find it on eBay or something. It's worth it.) The pre-angry reincarnated version was my favorite.
He just looks cool, and those masks… well, as a kid they drove me nuts. I couldn't figure out how to draw them right. Probably why I have an affinity for the Earth-2 much easier to draw hooded version as well. Here, I think I did pretty good.
I drew this in pencil on tracing paper, no digital first. And it was really only one pass at it, too.As well as learning the Cintiq, I'm also trying to hone my live sketching skills so I can properly draw in your sketchbook when the time comes. Then transferred to blueline and inked with brush.
Commission list is still open, just sayin'.