This choice of Huntress was a suggestion from my friend Dee when I was looking to fill out this volume of Powerful Women. It should have occured to me before, though. I bought her first appearance in DC Super Stars Secret Origins or whatever it was called. It was also one of the first times I remember seeing a "behind the scenes" about the creation of a character, complete with sketches and roughs for the cover. That always stuck with me, and I'm sure was one more brick on the road to doing what I do for a living now.
Comic-Con Time Again
It's almost time for Comic-Con. Less than two weeks, according to the clock on this site. Probably a good time to mention where I'll be and what I'll be doing.
I'll be at Comic-Con in San Diego, at the same booth location I was last year, the easy-to-remember Booth #2000. I'll be splitting the space with Toon Tumblers (which may have some new glasses, maybe even a con exclusive) so look for the shint glass, and I'll be there.
I'll have copies of the new issue of Love and Capes. LNC #11 is the last one before the wedding issue, and features the Quest for the Dress. I'l also have the whole back catalog, IDW's excellent trade paperback collection of #1-6, t-shirts (including a design not yet seen in San Diego) and my third Powerful Women sketchbook. And, as always, I'll be signing and doing sketches.
I may even do the Free Books for Ladies promotion that I did at Charlotte. See if the sign is up at the booth, and if it is, ask!
So be sure to come on by!
I'll also be at the Screaming Tiki SuperCon in Cleveland this weekend. It'll be a little practice run at San Diego.
The Real G-Force, Not That Thing With the Gerbils
When I was a kid, Battle of the Planets was everyone's plate of awesome. Before I knew about Japanese animation, I still knew there was something different about that cartoon. And I even noticed that the 7-Zark-7 scenes seemed incongruous to the rest of the cartoon.
We used to play G-Force on the playground, too. My friend and I took turns switching between being Jason and Mark, and we'd spin around a basketball pole doing their whirlwind attack.
So anyway, here's Princess from Battle of the Planets.
Now You Don't See Her
A while ago I did an Estella Warren caricature that I thought came out really well. I hinted at her shape with color, rather than drawing with complete lines It was a nice effect, and I used it for this image of the Invisible Woman. I wanted to get the impression of invisibility while still, you know, actually drawing something you could see.
I also put her in the John Byrne reverse uniforms that I thought always looked pretty neat. The colors did well with the invisibility effect.
The Wedding Issue
I've finally started on the Love and Capes wedding cover. Well, covers, since there will be two of them. There will be just over 100 people, with almost 200 photos to pour over and check out. Here's a collage of the photos I've received, and no, you can't click and embiggen this time. I don't want to post them too big since I didn't ask any of the participants if I could do this. Still, it gives you an idea of the volume involved.
And thanks to Shape Collage, the software that really quickly popped this image together. It's a free download, and works on Mac and PCs.
Happy Independence Day
Here's one of the most patriotic readings of the Constitution ever. Enjoy!
Riders on the Storm
It's Got To Be an Irish Eye, Right?
After Marvel Girl, there were five open spaces in Powerful Women #3. So this will start the parade of remaining images in the book. Today we've got the Emerald Empress, of the Fatal Five from Legion of Super Heroes. It's one of my few reclining poses and there's something about the linework that really pops. Click and embiggen.
Here Comes Part the Third!
Comic-Con is twenty days away and… wait, that can't be right. Twenty days? Seriously? Adding a June convention really messes you up, I think. Man, that's not enough time.
It always pays to have new product at the show, so in addition to having Love and Capes #11, I'll also have Powerful Women #3. I know I thought I had my cover design done, but now I think not. I'm torn between using the Zatanna image and the Marvel Girl image. Zatanna would be my first brunette (previous ones were Poison Ivy and Supergirl) but Marvel Girl would be my first Marvel character. Anyone have any opinions? I've got until Monday morning to decide.
If you want to see the Marvel Girl image complete, click the preview and see it embiggened. I think it came out pretty well, actually.
The Forth Worth Horny Toad
In the midst of finishing Love and Capes #11, and the wacky Harvey Awards announcements (still reeling from that) and everything else, I took on a cover for the Fort Worth Weekly. It featured the mascot of a DFW school, the horny toad, graduating and being faced with a stack of bills. I love doing these covers. They're so much fun to draw, and always such wacky subjects. They're a great opportunity to cut loose.
Click here, or click the image to see a larger version of the cover. To see a "virgin" version, with no copy on it, click here.