Just reminding you that another set of four Triple Shots go on sale today!
Triple Shot: Malcolm Reynolds
Time to share another Triple Shot! This one is everyone's other favorite space smuggler… Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly. See how cool these are? Don't you want one?
I'm a huge fan of Nathan Fillion. I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Flanvention in '05, and he's amazing. I have never ever seen anyone work a room the way he does. I even got to have dinner with him and some other guests, and he took the time to talk to everyone and keep each person engaged. He is the gold standard in how to treat your fans.
Plus, I mean Castle, right? How cool is that?
Rancho Obi-Wan: My First Step Into a Larger World
I visited Rancho Obi-Wan, the largest private collection of Star Wars merchandise (though I don't know who else would have more). It was fantastic. There was so much stuff… stuff I had as a kid, stuff I wanted, stuff I never saw and beyond. I got to play the Star Wars vector arcade game from the Eighties. I played chess against R2D2, who cheats. And best of all, I got to me Steve Sansweet, who is just the nicest guy. After my trip, I drew a thank you piece for Steve. His favorite character is Obi-Wan, and mine is Boba Fett. So I drew our two characters facing off against each other. And in my thank you note I admitted to Steve that, yes, I know that Boba Fett would lose. Heck, it'd be a victory if he walked away with both his arms. But it was still cool as can be to draw it.
And please, check out Rancho Obi-Wan's Facebook page. If you want to see more, check out Amy's report on the fully-functional memorabilia base. Go there if you're in Northern California. Totally worth it.
Triple Shot: Han Solo
Speaking of the Triple Shots, I will be showing them off here at the site. First up is Han Solo.
I'm pretty happy with how the likeness came out,since doing a caricature in my cartoony style is sometimes difficult. And it was fun to look up the reference and make sure that the belt and the gun were right. And yes, I am using my iPad… well, my completely deductible iPad… to pull up reference at my drawing table. It's so nice not have to print out reference sheets any more.
And yes, he totally shot first.
Next Week's Triple Shots Announced
Wow! I hoped people would like my Triple Shot idea, and did you ever! The first four sold out in 20 minutes! So, we're going to do it again.
Next week on Tuesday, January 31st at 3:00pm Eastern Time, another four Triple Shots will go on sale. Same deal as the last time, except that a small shipping charge of $2 is now added to defray the cost of mailing them out.
Last week I did Han Solo, Malcolm Reynolds, Supergirl, and a character of someone's creation. Who will I draw this week?
Four Triple Shots are on sale now! Get them while they last!
The Announcement! New Sketch Product!
I've got some goals for 2012. Among them are to draw more and, honestly, get paid to draw more. So I've come up with something that I think will help with both of those. I've come up with a new product, these Triple Shots. They're a chance to see the whole drawing process, from pencils to inks to colors. They measure 5.5" x 17" and feature a reproduction of the pencils, the actual inks, and then a colored version of the art. I'm going to take orders online, as well as sell them at conventions.
Here's how I'm going to make them available.
Every week I'll put a certain number of these on sale, based on my workload and schedule. Tomorrow I'll make three of these available, first come, first served, for $25.00, and free shipping during this first week. Most importantly, you get to pick the character.
If I don't sell them out, I'll pick whatever characters strike my fancy. And then I'll make those available for sale for $15.00 for the first week. After that, they'll be $20.00 online and at conventions.
Every week, I'll make another few available. I'll announce it 24 hours ahead of time on Twitter and Facebook, and again an hour before, and I'll vary the time to be fair to those in different time zones. Tomorrow's will go on sale at Noon Eastern Time. The samples seen here will go on sale for $15 at the same time.
So there's flexibility for you. You can get exactly the character you want. You can wait and see what's available and get a deal. Or you can buy them when you see them at a convention. It's up to you.
Always Going Forward
I'm always overly optimistic about how quickly I can hit the ground running after coming back from a trip. I did manage to get a new page of Love and Capes done in my shortened week. I'm well into issue #2 of the new miniseries. Come, see domestic bliss.
This past week I went to Rancho Obi-Wan, the largest collection of Star Wars memorabilia on the planet. They say "private collection" but I can't imagine who has more. It was a great weekend, and I owe you some pictures and stories, but I also need to get some pages under me, too.
For those of you asking why Love and Capes: Wake Up Where You Are has disappeared from Amazon and other retailers, the issue has been identified and there is a plan in place to fix it. I'll let you know when I have details.
Don't forget I'll be at MegaCon next month (more traveling, I know) and you can be on the next print! Details here.
Announcing an Announcement
My plan is to announce on Tuesday a new convention and commission based product. I'm getting a bunch of things in line to roll it out, but I think it'll be something fun for everyone. So watch for it, because some of it might be time-based. And that is what the pros call "a tease".
The Closest You'll Get to Seeing Me Dance
My friend Paul Storrie, among others, has occasionally mentioned that I have a passing likeness to 70s teen heartthrob Donny Osmond. For reasons which don't need exploring at this juncture, I was looking up the Weird Al video White and Nerdy (which does feature Donny wearing the same outfit I wore when I got my picture taken with William Shatner) and found this video highlighting all the Al/Donny scenes. So, you know, enjoy...