Day 20: Dark Phoenix
I've settled into a nice rythym on these. I'm pretty comfortable with all the tools and key commands. There are a couple of more ones that I'd like to figure out how to implement (Quick Mask, Inverse and switch Foreground/Background respectively) but for now, I don't use them enough to make them replace existing ones.
I also tried to screen record making this one. Right now, it seems like recording is causing an unacceptable lag in the drawing tools, so I can't make that work. Maybe I'll see if I can do a uStream broadcast or something like that on one of the next ones, at least. I'd like to post a video ofdrawing if I can do it. I think it might be fun.
If anyone knows how to smooth out the drawing process, I'd appreciate it. I have a new iMac that's pretty fast, so I'm surprise by the added lag.
I've always loved Phoenix, light and dark varieties. I started reading the book after her death, but her long shadow always made her a part of the book. This drawing is based on my memories of a splash page from X-Men
#175, drawn by Paul Smith. I loved his run on the book. It's what made me start picking it up. My cousin bought his first issue and brought it over for me to read and I was hooked. Smith's art was a huge part of why.
At this point, I've got about ten more drawings to do in this grand experiement. As alwaysm, your suggestions are welcome on Twitter (#tzadvent), Facebook or on email!