After having done three big 100+ page graphic novels in the Raider series, doing 24 page books sometimes seems like a breeze. Now, it's not, don't get me wrong, but it's nice to draw three pages and feel like I've made significant progress. On the other hand, the deadline's a lot shorter. (Why must February have only 28 days? Damn you Pope Gregory and your calendar!)
This page turned out pretty well, and the dialogue is pretty sharp. Well, not evidenced by this panel, but trust me, the other stuff… pure Sorkinesque gold! And, in case you're wondering, Abby is wearing the latest in Old Navy clothes. Mark is wearing the glassic denim and khaki look from darn near everywhere. Sure, it's boring, but those denim shirts cover your superhero uniform pretty well, and the deep red uniform makes a good looking undershirt.
And, for those of you interested, this panel illustrates why I love the computer. The brick wall and other wall are not on the original artwork, and are added in computer. I can't tell you how many hours of drawing that saved me.
In other news, my monitor adapter came yesterday, so now I'm typing this on the combined monitor desktop of a 22" and 23" monitor. I feel so cool.