I realized that something was missing from the last issue of Love and Capes, specifically in the bookstore: customers. We saw a few customers in the first issue, and the store was flooded with kids in the second, but I think no one bought any books for Valentine's Day. So I've tried to make sure there are some people in the store this issue.
I also try to make my "extras" look normal, since my supporting cast is so good looking. So you'll see some average, balding, overweight and every other sort of shape. Although, one of my ideas as a little joke was to do a caricature of Anthony Stewart Head as Giles and have him picking up some arcane tome. Keep an eye out for that.
Most of the names I give my characters have significance, too, even if just to me. Here, Professor Russell is named for Russell Johnson, best known as the Professor on Gilligan's Island.
I've also kept my questionable practice of having the bookstore highlight books I like and am reading. In this panel, we have The Complete Peanuts, The Complete Shakespeare
, America: The Book
, and the soon-to-be-released Drink and Draw
. The latter being done by my friend Dan Panosian, and is a collection of their weekly drawing and drinking sessions. Man, I'm jealous I can't get out there to hang with them.
Incidentally, all the links above are Amazon Associates links. I'll try to post links to the books I've been enjoying and highlighting here, and better yet, if you click through and buy a book, I get a little bonus from the folks at Amazon. Hey, we all win!