It's another fascinating moment of superheroes having wine, featuring the best dialogue I've ever written.
The nights working on Love and Capes are getting longer. I was up until 2:00am working on the art for the page, and then scripted and lettered it this morning. It's a good sign that it's the late nights are getting more frequent, too. It means I'm in the zone, and ready to churn out and finish the book.
Here, Amazonia and the Crusader go to Las Vegas for their first date. Why Vegas? Because they needed some privacy, and like they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. It's the kind of place with private dining rooms available to superstars, and Amazonia's definitely that.
I had to design Vegas-style buildings for the window. Two of them are new artwork. The other is the Eiffel Tower, which I drew for the splash page at the end of #3. It was nice to be able to reuse that and get that extra Vegasiness without having to spend them time to draw the Tower again.
See? Pretty sneaky, sis!