While I was trying to upgrade the blog today, so that I'd be able to put some nifty widgets on here, maybe pimp my Amazon available stuff (like Star Trek: Sky's the Limit) and in upgrading, managed to crash the blog hard. It's a big issue, first of all because of the amount of work that the blog represents, but also because, through RSS feeds, I manage pages on the Thomz.com site and the LoveandCapes.com site.
It took a bit of time, a bit of research, and a little help to get it back up. When I did, I had that computer-stare-buzz in my head. The one where you swear you were thinking so hard that all the blood hasd rushed to your head, and when you're done, you just don't want to tackle any other huge projects. So, I decided to work on something I wanted to work on to get me over that hump. And, fortunately, Love and Capes #6 page 10 was already inked.
The page isn't the funniest in the book, but it's one of the most important. It shows that Crusader and Amazonia had chemistry. That they were a good couple, at least for a while. And, since these eight panels involve stopping an alien invasion and watching a volcano, they serve to highlight the things Abby can't be for Mark. That should cause some conflict over the next fourteen pages.